Rhonda Cagle

Archive for September, 2013|Monthly archive page

Become A Hero To A Hungry Kid

In Uncategorized on September 13, 2013 at 5:06 pm

The world needs more heroes. Not the kind in leotards and capes, but the ones who show up with a bag of food and turn hunger into hope for a hungry child. Heroes like my friends Lisa and Vince, who do this every week for more than 1,000 hungry children through Kitchen on the Street, a non-profit agency they founded.


They have help, of course. Help from more than 1,800 friends like you and me. Folks who have discovered what a few hours of time, a few dollars, and a few cans of food can do. To a hungry child looking for his or her next meal, it’s nothing short of heroic – even miraculous. You can read about it in my latest column for the Arizona Republic. http://t.co/QO80J6lH8C