Rhonda Cagle

Archive for June, 2014|Monthly archive page

In Death, We Are Reminded How To Live

In Uncategorized on June 21, 2014 at 9:20 pm

Grief and loss are unwelcome. But, they are effective teachers of some of life’s most important lessons. For starters, one can never have too much life insurance. Trust me; I know. 

Also, even close-knit families cannot be assumed to reach consensus on what kind of service to perform and who will get the china or book collection. Taking the time to make one’s wishes known can save loved ones countless moments of second-guessing gut-wrenching life and death decisions. 

But death can teach the living other valuable lessons. The first is not defining those who have passed by the circumstances of their death. In the face of great personal loss these past few years, I’ve learned not to ask a friend or acquaintance how a loved one has died. Instead, I want to know how they lived. In those stories we find the real essence of their lives – and our own.

You can read more in my latest column for The Arizona Republic: http://t.co/NKTlf0RAA5.